The pages shown at the left-hand side detail the sorts of services that SEND Consultancy Service can offer.
However, SEND Consultancy Service is happy to talk about any related area that you believe we may be able to help you with.
Price structure from September 1 2021 till August 31 2022
Initial Contact
The first 30 minutes is free but any contact thereafter is chargeable.
Case Consideration:
If you would like me to look over the case prior to any further action this is at a cost of £100.00.
Preparation of the following letters:
Charged at £125.00 per letter but this does not include any emails or telephone calls which are charged at:
Telephone calls:
At a rate of £90.00/hr
At a rate of £90/hr
Checking draft and final Education, Health and Care (EHC) Plans:
The draft EHC Plan without any reports £350.00
The draft EHC Plan and reports £450.00
Special Educational Needs and Disability Tribunals:
Refusal to assess £900.00
Refusal to issue an EHC Plan £1 350.00
Cease to maintain an EHC Plan £1 550.00
Sections B and F £2 250.00
Sections B, F and I £3 000.00
Education Health and Social Care. £3 500.00
Payment is in three instalments with the first instalment being in advance and then monthly thereafter.
The above does not include attendance at any meetings or representation at the Tribunal hearing.
Attendance at Hearing:
£650.00 for a full day plus travel cost of 45 pence per mile or public transport fee.
Attendance at meetings:
Examples include:
Charged as sessions of:
Half Day:
£325.00 plus travel cost of 45 pence per mile or public transport fee.
Full Day:
£650.00 plus travel cost of 45 pence per mile or public transport fee.
Matters outside of those detailed above including issues relating to Social Care or Health:
Hourly rate of £90.00 per hour which is the same for travelling time.
Mileage at 45 pence per mile or public transport fee.
Telephone calls At a rate of £90.00/hr
Emails At a rate of £90.00/hr