Parent carer

The aim is to work in partnership with parent carers to ensure that children and young people have their needs met and enable them to progress and flourish.


By using SEND Consultancy Service you will have access to people who are highly experienced in SEN and Disabilities. We understand the complexities of the legislation and guidance and understand local authority processes and practices. Annette is an active members of the Northern Tribunal User Group.


Our aim is to work in partnership with parent carers to seek an early resolution of disagreements wherever possible. We believe this is in the best interests of the child, young person and their families.


The first free half hour consultation will be used to establish whether we can be of assistance to you. The charge thereafter is at the rate detailed in our terms and conditions.


Where early resolution is not possible the parent carer should be aware that to take a case to the SEND Tribunal may take many hours depending on the complexity of the case.


There may be instances where it is possible to reclaim costs from the local authority, where it can be shown they have acted unreasonably in bringing, defending or conducting the proceedings.


However, the parent carer needs to be aware that there is no guarantee of such costs being reclaimed and should, therefore, enter into the process anticipating costs being unavailable.


The types of support that we can offer are:

  • Ongoing telephone advice
  • Ongoing email advice
  • Help in requesting a Education, Health and Care (EHC) needs assessment
  • Checking of the EHC Plan for accuracy and relevance
  • Help in requesting a school/educational placement
  • Help in preparing for a Transfer Review, Annual or Interim Review
  • Advice and/or advocacy in challenging local authority decisions
  • Support in Mediation sessions
  • Working with you in the preparation of Tribunal cases
  • Representation at Tribunal hearings.



Special Educational Needs and Disability Consultancy Service

16 Scholars Drive

HU5 2DB 


Phone: 01482 572698

Mob: 07949 923476


Or use our contact form.


You have always been an absolute pleasure to deal with; very efficient and very courteous.

Barrister Chambers Clerk

I actually managed to win one of those Tribunals that I did...thanks very much for all your advice and support.

LA Officer

I know parents have always found your approach very fair and they have a lot of time and respect for you.

Regional Director (National Charity)


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